Our Savior Lutheran Academy is Hiring! We are looking for wonderful people to help us fill these important positions so that we can continue to serve our students and share the love of Christ with them and their families. No experience required; we will show you what to do! Must have a high school diploma (or equivalent) and a heart for Jesus. Starting pay rates range from $16.50-$18 per hour.

OSLA has full & part time positions available! We are also looking for help with our After Care program (3pm-6pm Monday-Friday). This is a perfect position for college students with limited availability, retirees who would like to help but don’t want to commit to full-time hours, or anyone looking for a little extra spending money and a great way to be a part of this ministry!

Please email our Assistant Director, Olivia Howse at olivia.howse@oslanashville.org or call 615.833-1500 for more information & how to apply!

Family Faith-based Resources

Your family, friends, and faith matter.

We believe it is essential for your family to have easy access to resources to support faith nourishment in your home.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 tell us:
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

In other words, every part of your life is an important opportunity to share your faith with those around you: in the car, while watching TV, at the dinner table, on vacation, etc. Research shows that parents have the biggest impact on their child’s faith. So we have put together the following resources to help you feel more confident in your role as a spiritual leader for your family and friends!



Adventures in Odyssey
These award winning audio dramas bring biblical principles to life using characters who learn from their life experiences in the town of Whits End. They balance fun, faith, and imagination in these adventure packed stories everyone will enjoy!

Bible App For Kids
This app makes exploring the Bible fun with interactive video narratives summarizing stories in the Bible.


You care about what your kids watch and see and that is why PureFlix is dedicated to wholesome shows will be something you can confidently sit down and enjoy together! Consider it a Christian Netflix.

Mr. Phil TV
Mr. Phil, the creator of Veggie Tales, brings the Bible to life with an engaging TV series designed for your kids! Videos include the books of the Bible from Genesis to Revelations, seeing faith in action, and family Bible Studies. We love this tool so much that we are offering it to you for free through RightNow Media!

Bible Studies

RightNow Media
Do you prefer engaging in God’s Word through videos? RightNow Media has the largest library of Biblical video content right at your fingertips. We believe it is such an amazing tool, that we offer it to you for free!

Kids of Integrity
Kids of Integrity offers family resources to have fun and engaging conversations with your children about the importance of these Godly characteristics. They offer a thorough look at different Bible Stories to reinforce the lesson, guided conversation starters, crafts and activities, etc. that will help your child think before they act.

Little Words Matter Series
Crafted especially for toddlers, these books make biblical truths easily understandable and enjoyable for little ones and their families too!

Seeds Family Worship
The mission of Seeds Family Worship is to get God’s Word through Seeds into as many hearts (& homes) as possible. Each month they mail your family a box full of resources (DVD”S, coloring books, Worship CD’s, games, and more) to bring God’s Word to life. 

The Shepherd on the Search
Embark on a family journey and find Christ in Christmas!  During the Advent season, hide your shepherd and your children find him in a new place along the search!  The shepherd’s journey begins anew every Christmas season and ends on Christmas day as your shepherd finds his way to the manger. Similar to Elf on the Shelf, but with Christian principles.


Grandparenting Matters, A Series
The author challenges Grandparents to look at the Biblical view of grandparent, the challenges they face in passing down their faith legacy, how to overcome grandparent barriers, how to disciple from long-distance, and so much more! Will you be a voice that influences your grandchildren’s world view?


A Christian Radio station that creates compelling media that inspires and encourages people to have a meaningful relationship with Christ. Listen to K-LOVE with their in-app player, explore artists bios and songs, get the Verse of the Day, enter contests, and more!


As parents you have 936 weeks to instill Christian values into your children before they graduate. This app shares age appropriate Bible verses, topics, and dinner discussions to help you with each week of the journey. We’d recommend downloading it ASAP!


More Than A Song Podcast
Michelle Nezat is passionate about Christian Music and God’s Word. Each week her podcasts covers a popular Christian song and dives into God’s Word to uncover it’s deeper meaning. It’s a great place to start your devotions every week!

Family Life Weekly
 Michelle Hill features marriage and family experts to discuss various pressures in our marriages, families, and other valuable relationships… offering an engaging dose of practical encouragement and “help for today, hope for tomorrow” to live out your faith in an ever-changing world.

Family Life Today
A weekday podcast featuring fun, engaging conversations that help families grow together with Jesus while pursuing the relationships that matter most.

Mama Bear Apologetics
Train yourself. Equip your kids. Learn how to raise kids who think critically, love biblically, and stand firm against the cultural tide.


Weekend To Remember
As parents you have 936 weeks to instill Christian values into your children before they graduate. This app shares age appropriate Bible verses, topics, and dinner discussions to help you with each week of the journey. We’d recommend downloading it ASAP!

Interested in becoming part of our OSLA family?

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6

Contact Us

Questions about the academy or admissions? Interested in a tour, or meeting the teachers? We are dedicated to helping you make a confident, well-thought out and positive decision for your family. Get in touch today!

5110 Franklin Pike Nashville, TN 37220

Call Us: 615.833.1500 or Fax: 615.833.3761

8 + 12 =

Our Savior Lutheran Church is a Missouri-Synod Lutheran Church along with Our Savior Lutheran Academy.